Kingmaker Wiki

The ones who got away:

At Large[]

1. Thundroch the Troll

-At Fallhills.

-With the owlbear and the will o' the wisp at the sacking of Boatmurdered.

-Took over the Sootscale Mines and left two trolls and an illusion to harass the party.

-Captured by Vordakai. Escaped.

2.Dancing Lady

-The Tower

-Sharell's friend.

-Seen up by Olegton and the Elk temple.

3.Chess Rivkin (Wizard)

-Fey mushrooms

4. Red Bandana Wearing Bandit


1. Will O' the Wisp (One)

-With the Fieros (throwing Sharell and Jacobi into the flames) (557)

-Harassing Jang near Oleg's Trading Post with the Mephits (557)

-With Wargs (558)

-Elsewhere harassing people near Olegton. (558-559)

-Lizardfolk (their deity) (559)

-With the Owlbear and Thundroch in the sacking of Boatmurdered.

-With Tig and Perlivash harassing and roasting children near Olegton. (d. July, 559)

x. Nugrah the Druid

-In the Stag Lord's Fort.

-Wandering around. Not an enemy necessarily.

-With Tig and Perlivash harassing and roasting children near Olegton. (July, 559)

-Escorted to Sharell's master.

2. Rigg Gargadilly (Quickling) -The Tower

-Ganking travellers near the kobolds.
